Thesis Formatting Guidelines
Main text: Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, spacing: 1,5; page size: А4 (210297 mm); left margin: 30 mm; right, top and bottom margins: 20 mm.
The reports shall be submitted in digital format. Do not archive the file. The name of the file must contain the surname of the author presenting the report.
At the top, type the title of the report (CAPITAL LETTERS, 12 pt., bold type face). Use center alignment for the title of the text.
Leave one blank line and type the author's initials and surname (regular type face, 12 pt., italic). Place the initials before the surname. If the report is written by two or more authors from the same organization, place the name of the organization on the next line below the initials and surname of all of these authors. If the report is written by authors from different organizations, use uppercase figures to designate the authors and respective organizations. Use left alignment for these lines. Underline the surname of the author who will present the report.
Leave two blank lines, then type the main text (regular type face, 12 pt.).
Text size: max. 4 pages, including figures, tables, schemes, which shall be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text. Place the captions under the respective figure or scheme. Disable the automatic hyphenation feature. Indentation: 1.25 cm. Place the references list below the main text. Leave 1 blank line after the main text and type REFERENCES in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Below, list the references in the order of their appearance in the text (single interline spacing). Specify the reference number in square brackets in the text. The references list must meet the GOST requirements.
After the main text of the report, specify the numbers of the projects that provided funding for the research done.
The Organizing Committee has the right to reject submitted materials if they do not comply with the scope of the conference or formatting guidelines.